Organisation chart of the IAJ Presidency Committee Mr. Duro Sessa President (Croatia) Mr. Walter Barone First Vice-President President of the Ibero American Group – Regional Group of the IAJ (Brazil) Mr. Mikael Sjoberg Vice-President President of the European Association of Judges – Regional Group of the IAJ (Denmark) Ms. Marcelle Kouassi Vice-President President of the African Group – Regional Group of the IAJ (Ivory Coast) Ms. Allyson Duncan Vice-President President of the Asian, North American and Oceanian Group – Regional Group of the IAJ (USA) Mr. Roland Kempfle Vice-President (Germany) Ms. Sabine Mateika Vice-President (Austria) Mr. José Manuel Igreja Matos Honorary President of the IAJ (Portugal) Secretariat-General Mr. Giacomo Oberto Secretary-General (Italy) Mr. Lucio Aschettino Deputy Secretary-General (Italy) Mr. Galileo D’Agostino Deputy Secretary-General and Treasurer (Italy) Mr. Raffaele Gargiulo Deputy Secretary-General (Italy) First Study Commission Mrs. Marilyn Huff President (USA) Mr. Lucasz Granosik Vice-President (Canada) Mr. Javier Martínez Vice-President (Spain) Ms. Alexandra Vaillant Secretaire (France) Ms. Michelle Childs Associated Board Member (USA) Second study Commission Ms. Mette Soegaard Vammen President (Denmark) Ms. Michele Monast Vice-President (Canada) Mr. M.F.J.N. Van Osch Vice-President (The Netherlands) Ms. Tara Burns Vice-President (Ireland) Third Study Commission Ms. Lene Sigvardt Co-President (Denmark) Mr. Clayton Conlan Co-President (Canada) Ms. Chrissa Loukas-Karlsson Vice-President (Australia) Fourth Study Commission Mrs. Margaret McKeown President (USA) Mr. Denis Jacques Vice-President (Canada) Mr. Paulo Dornelles Vice-President (Brazil) Ms. Cynthia M. Rufe Advisory Board (USA) Ms. Eva Mappy Morgan Advisory Board (Liberia) Ms. Mette Lyster Knudsen Advisory Board (Denmark) IAJ Representatives at the UN Headquarter in New York Ms. Joanna Seybert (USA) Mrs. Louise Mailhot (Canada) IAJ Representatives at the UN seat in Geneva Mr. Pierre Zappelli (Switzerland) Mrs. Louise Mailhot (Canada) IAJ Representative at the UN seat in Vienna Mr. Gerhard Reissner Honorary President of the IAJ (Austria) Past Presidents, Vice-Presidents and Secretaries-General List of the IAJ Presidents List of the IAJ Vice-Presidents List of the IAJ Secretaries-General Images of the IAJ Honorary Presidents International Association of Judges Union Internationale des Magistrats Palazzo di Giustizia Piazza Cavour – 00193 – Roma, Italy tel. +39 06 6883 2213 – fax. +39 06 687 1195