Mission and Values

Aims and objectives of the IAJ

The objects of the Association are as follows:


To safeguard the independence of the judicial authority, as an essential requirement of the judicial function and guarantee of human rights and freedom.


To safeguard the constitutional and moral standing of the judicial authority.


To increase and perfect the knowledge and the understanding of Judges by putting them in touch with Judges of other countries, and by enabling them to become familiar with the nature and functioning of foreign organizations, with foreign laws and, in particular, with how those laws operate in practice.


To study together judicial problems, whether these are of regional, national or universal interest, and to arrive at better solutions to them.

The Association does not have any political or trade-union character.

These objects are to be pursued by the following means:


By the organization of conferences and meetings of Study Commissions.


By the establishment of cultural relations.


By promoting and enhancing friendly relations between Judges of different countries.


By furthering mutual assistance between national associations and groups; by encouraging exchange of information and by facilitating professional and vacational visits by Judges to other countries.


In any other way approved by the Central Council.

International Association of Judges
Union Internationale des Magistrats
Palazzo di Giustizia
Piazza Cavour – 00193 – Roma, Italy
tel. +39 06 6883 2213 – fax. +39 06 687 1195