Letter sent by the Italian “Scuola Superiore della Magistratura” in reply to a request coming from the Judicial Academy of Turkey

News of the IAJ

We publish in our web site a letter sent by the Italian “Scuola Superiore della Magistratura” (the Italian Institute which is in charge of the initial and continuous training of judges and prosecutors) in reply to the request coming from the Judicial Academy of Turkey. It is a good example of the attitude that judges and judicial institutions should keep vis-à-vis the requests coming from Turkey in this period.

The document has been published in our web site, at the following page: https://www.iaj-uim.org/iuw/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Lettera-Pres.-Silvestri-al-Turkish-Judicial-Academy.pdf

Nous publions dans le site une lettre envoyée par la “Scuola Superiore della Magistratura” (l’institut italien qui est en charge de la formation initiale et continue des magistrats) à la demande de coopération présentée par l’Académie de la Justice de Turquie. Il s’agit d’un bon exemple de l’attitude que les juges et les institutions judiciaires devraient montrer vis-à-vis les requêtes provenant de la Turquie en ce moment.

Le document a été publié dans notre site, à la page suivante : https://www.iaj-uim.org/iuw/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Lettera-Pres.-Silvestri-al-Turkish-Judicial-Academy.pdf

International Association of Judges
Union Internationale des Magistrats
Palazzo di Giustizia
Piazza Cavour – 00193 – Roma, Italy
tel. +39 06 6883 2213 – fax. +39 06 687 1195