Edwin L. Felter Jr. and Oyku Didem Aydin, The Death of Judicial Independence in Turkey: A Lesson for Others, 38 J. Nat’l Ass’n Admin. L. Judiciary 34 (2018)
The essay is available at:
On 21st September 2022, During the closing ceremony of the 64th annual meeting of the IAJ in Tel Aviv, our beloved colleague Murat Arslan, founder of the Turkish judges association, currently unlawfully detained in prison for his fight in defence of judicial independence, was awarded the IAJ judicial independence prize, collected on his behalf by HP Christophe Régnard.
On the same day the Judicial Independence award was given to Guatemalan Judge Erika Aifan and to the President of the Polish Association of Judges, Krystian Markiewicz.
Here we publish the presentation video shown to the Assembly and a message from Murat Arslan’s wife.
Murat ARSLAN Video for the award ceremony.mp4 – Google Drive
Sevilay Arslan message to IAJ President José Manuel Igreja Matos:
“Dear José,
Since the news provided are useful to better understand what is happening in the country and after obtaining the authorization of the author, we now publish it .
Hereinafter the text of the letter:
Previous news: Situation of ongoing trials on Turkey courts (iaj-uim.org)
A joint initiative has been taken by several prominent international bar associations and lawyers’ organizations in recognition of the struggle of a Turkish lawyer Ebru Timtik for the right to a fair trial.
The associations involved: Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE), European Association of Lawyers for Democracy and World Human Rights (ELDH), European Bars Federation (FBE), European Democratic Lawyers (EDL-AED), French National Bar Council (CNB), International Association of Democratic Lawyers (IADL), International Association of Lawyers (UIA), International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI), Italian National Bar Council (CNF), Law Society of England and Wales, and Lawyers for Lawyers (L4L) .
An International Fair Trial Day (IFTD) will be observed every year on 14 June.
Every year a focus country will be decided and events will take place on and around the day to draw attention to the situation in the country concerned.
An annual Ebru Timtik Award will also be designated around the IFTD to recognize and support the struggle of others for the same purpose.
Hereinafter the link to the joint letter (in English and French) on the background of this action.
The Platform (which gathers the four European most important judicial organisations, namely the European Association of Judges–EAJ, Judges for Judges, the European Association of Administrative Judges and MEDEL) issued an important statement on the rejection decision of the President of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) of 28 January 2021 concerning the application as third-party intervener:
The European Association of Judges, through its President, received relevant information about the updating of the situation of ongoing trials on Turkey courts.
Since the news provided are useful to better understand what is happening in the country and after obtaining the authorization of the author, we now publish it .
Hereinafter the text of the letter:
previous news on the same topic:
Situation of ongoing trials on Turkey courts (iaj-uim.org)
The Platform for an Independent Judiciary in Turkey released a statement on the anniversary of the attempted coup.
The Platform is composed of the following organisations: Association of European Administrative Judges (AEAJ), European Association of Judges (EAJ), Judges for Judges and Magistrats Européens pour la Démocratie et les Libertés (MEDEL).
A letter was also sent to the Secretary-General of the Council of Europe.
On demand of the President of the IAJ, the Hon. Tony PAGONE, hereinafter a statement, (in English) concerning the acceptance by Dr Robert Spano, President of the European Court of Human Rights, of an Honorary Degree from the University of Istanbul (Turkey).
The statement has also been sent to several public authorities .
Today the Platform for an Independent Judiciary in Turkey issued an important appeal in defence of imprisoned, mistreated and harrassed Turkish judges and prosecutors. The Platform (which gathers the four European most important judicial organisations, namely the European Association of Judges–EAJ, Judges for Judges, the European Association of Administrative Judges and MEDEL) has repeatedly and openly warned against the brutal assaults against and ill-treatment of imprisoned Turkish judges and prosecutors, i.e. gross violations of basic human rights.
The text of the appeal is available here:
The Platform for an Independent Judiciary in Turkey released a statement on the anniversary of the attempted coup.
The Platform is composed of the following organisations: Association of European Administrative Judges (AEAJ), European Association of Judges (EAJ), Judges for Judges and Magistrats Européens pour la Démocratie et les Libertés (MEDEL).
A letter was also sent to the Secretary-General of the Council of Europe.
The President of the European Association of Judges, Mr José Igreja Matos, received an email about the situation of ongoing trials on Turkey courts.
Since the information provided is useful to better understand what is happening in the country and after obtaining the authorization of the author, we now publish it .
Hereinafter the text of the letter:
We have been sent a quite interesting article on the situation in Turkey and its consequences on judicial independence:
Edwin L. Felter Jr. and Oyku Didem Aydin, The Death of Judicial Independence in Turkey: A Lesson for Others, 38 J. Nat’l Ass’n Admin. L. Judiciary 34 (2018)
The essay is available at:
Please find hereinafter the link to the official declaration and the firm stand taken by the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and the UN Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and Lawyers on Judge Murat Arlsan
The Portuguese judiciary produced a joint declaration (in English and Portuguese) about the situation in Turkey .
This declaration has been spread among the IAJ members and it will be presented at the Foreign Affairs Ministry in Portugal and in the Embassy of Turkey in Lisbon.
We received yesterday the sad news concerning the sentencing of our dearest colleague, President of YARSAV and 2017 Vaclav Havel Human Rights Prize laureate Murat Arslan.
This is the report of the mock trial held by a Turkish Court which sentenced Murat Arslan to ten years imprisonment. The identity of the eyewitness author of this report, is here undisclosed: it is known only by the members of the IAJ Presidency Committee and of the Secretariat-General, who assure about the autenticity of the news.
We thought it was right to spread this news in order to show to the world the outrageous way justice is rendered in a country like Turkey, which is no longer a country ruled by the rule of law principle and unworthy to be part of the international community:
Nous avons reçu hier la triste nouvelle concernant la condamnation de notre très cher collègue, Murat Arslan, Président de YARSAV et lauréat du prix des droits de l’homme à la mémoire de Vaclav Havel, édition 2017.
Voici le rapport de la dernière audience de cette parodie de procès par-devant une Cour turque, qui a condamné Murat Arslan à dix ans de prison. L’identité de l’auteur du rapport, témoin oculaire de cette audience reste ici non divulguée : elle n’est connue que par les membres du Comité de la Présidence et du Secrétariat Général, qui assurent l’authenticité de ces nouvelles.
Nous avons pensé qu’il était juste de diffuser ces informations, afin de montrer au monde la manière scandaleuse par laquelle la justice est rendue dans un pays comme la Turquie, qui n’est plus un pays gouverné par le principe de l’état de droit et qui se montre indigne de faire partie de la communauté internationale :
« Chers amis de la Turquie libre,
La dernière audience valait vraiment la peine d’être vue. Tout d’abord, notre Arslan (Arslan signifie Lion en turc) a prononcé un discours très inspiré et a indiqué que ce n’était pas une défense, mais un discours adressé à la prochaine génération de vrais juristes de l’avenir, qui respecteront l’état de droit, et donc pas pour cette cour qui allait le juger. Il a été défiant dans ses propos, comme toujours. Il a montré son mépris pour la cour, et il a ouvertement montré son mépris. Je traduirai le discours dans son ensemble, quand je le recevrai de son avocat.
La formation collégiale qui a jugé Murat était très intimidée, elle paraissait tout à fait tranquille. Ils se sont assis et ils ont écouté sans montrer aucune réaction. Lorsque l’avocat a demandé une prolongation de l’enquête, la cour a rejeté la requête, ainsi que tous les moyens de défense et elle a ordonné que le procès continue.
Je dois vous rappeler qu’il n’y a pas un seul juge dans cette formation collégiale de 3 juges qui ait présidé toutes les audiences du début à la fin. Ainsi, aucun juge n’a vu ce qui s’est passé dans la salle d’audience du début à la fin. La dernière audience n’était que la deuxième pour le magistrat qui présidait la Cour dans cette affaire. Le droit pénal turc stipule que toutes les audiences doivent se dérouler devant le juge qui prononcera le jugement.
Après que tous les moyens ont été rejetés, les avocats ont décidé de ne pas continuer leur travail, parce qu’ils le considéraient inutile. Le Tribunal les a écoutés tout le temps nécessaire, mais il n’y avait aucune intention d’enquêter sur la vérité. Ils n’ont pas essayé de résoudre la question des données contradictoires sur les questions techniques ou sur les déclarations jurées. Non, il n’y a eu aucun besoin de clarifier quoi que ce soit : c’était leur attitude du début à la fin, parce que le résultat avait déjà été décidé.
Après cela, les avocats de la défense ont présenté une requête en récusation, pour le manque absolu d’impartialité, mais la Cour a rejeté aussi cette demande. Ce rejet, selon le droit procédural, doit être porté devant un autre tribunal pour être analysé, mais le Tribunal a également refusé la demande de faire juger la requête de récusation par un autre Cour. À ce stade, les avocats ont donc décidé de quitter la défense. Après leur démission, même le procureur a dit qu’il fallait qu’un nouvel avocat soit nommé par le Barreau, en raison de la gravité des accusations. La Cour est retournée dans sa salle de délibération et elle en est revenue quelques minutes plus tard. Puis elle a rejeté l’idée que des nouveaux avocats devaient être nommés et elle a hâtivement déclaré Arslan coupable, en le condamnant à 10 ans de prison sans aucune motivation et sans faire référence à quelque preuve que ce soit.
Une fois la décision annoncée, tout le monde dans la salle d’audience a réagi et applaudi la Cour pour manifester contre cette décision. Certaines personnes ont crié : « vous serez tenus coupables pour ce que vous avez fait ici ». Sevilay (épouse d’Arslan) a crié : « Je me demande comment vous allez rentrer chez vous et regarder dans les yeux vos enfants ; la honte est sur vous » ; elle a été courageuse, mais aussi profondément affectée. Un autre vieil ami de nous s’est ecrié : « j’ai passé 20 ans dans les tribunaux pénaux en tant que juge, mais je n’ai jamais vu aucun procès comme celui-ci, quelle honte !». Les juges ne pouvaient rien dire, même pas un mot et ils se sont tenus en silence.
Ensuite, la sécurité a dégagé la salle. Arslan n’a montré aucune réaction, parce qu’il savait ce qui allait se passer ; cette décision n’a pas été une surprise pour personne.
Nous disons que ce n’est pas la fin : il ne s’agit que d’un début.
Cordialement ».
(Signature omise)
Ieri abbiamo ricevuto la triste notizia relativa alla condanna del nostro carissimo collega, Murat Arslan, Presidente dell’associazione dei giudici e pubblici ministeri turchi YARSAV e vincitore del premio per i diritti umani dedicato alla memoria di Vaclav Havel, edizione 2017.
Questa è la relazione del processo-farsa tenuto da un tribunale turco che ha condannato Murat Arslan a dieci anni di carcere. L’identità del testimone oculare, autore di questo rapporto viene tenuta segreta: essa è conosciuta solo dai membri del Comitato della presidenza dell’UIM e dal Segretariato Generale, che garantiscono l’autenticità delle notizie.
Abbiamo pensato che fosse giusto diffondere questa notizia al fine di mostrare al mondo il modo scandaloso in cui la giustizia è resa in un paese come la Turchia, che non è più un paese governato dallo stato di diritto e si sta mostrando indegno di far parte della comunità internazionale:
“Cari amici della Turchia libera,
È valsa veramente la pena assistere all’ultimo processo. Prima di tutto, il nostro Arslan (Arslan significa leone in turco) ha pronunciato un discorso molto coraggioso, precisando che non si trattava di una difesa, bensì di un discorso rivolto alla generazione futura, quella per veri giuristi del futuro, che rispetteranno lo stato di diritto, e non per questa corte che lo giudicava. Con il suo solito tono di sfida, ha espresso apertamente il suo disprezzo per tale collegio. Tradurrò tutto il suo discorso quando mi sarà trasmesso dall’avvocato.
La giuria era all’apparenza intimidita, piuttosto tranquilla. Si è seduta ed ascoltato senza alcuna reazione. Quando l’avvocato ha richiesto un’estensione delle indagini, la corte ha respinto l’istanza e ha disposto che l’udienza continuasse.
Devo rammentare che non c’è un solo giudice in questo collegio di tre giudici che abbia assistito a tutte le udienze di questo processo dall’inizio alla fine. Così nessun giudice ha visto che cosa sia accaduto nell’aula dall’inizio alla fine. L’ultima udienza è stata presieduta da un magistrato che ha assistito a sole due udienze in tutto. Secondo il diritto processuale penale turco tutte le udienze devono svolgersi di fronte al medesimo giudice che emetterà la sentenza.
Dopo che tutte le istanze della difesa sono state respinte, gli avvocati hanno deciso di non continuare il loro lavoro, vistane l’inutilità. La Corte li ha ascoltati tutto il tempo necessario, ma non c’è stata alcuna intenzione di indagare sulla verità. Non hanno cercato di risolvere il problema dei dati contrastanti su questioni tecniche o su dichiarazioni giurate. No, non c’era bisogno di chiarire nulla: questo è stato il loro atteggiamento dall’inizio alla fine, perché il risultato era già deciso.
Di fronte al rifiuto da parte degli avvocati della giuria di proseguire nelle difese per mancanza di imparzialità, la corte ha respinto l’istanza di ricusazione. Quest’istanza, secondo il diritto processuale turco, dovrebbe essere portata di fronte ad un altro tribunale per essere analizzata, ma la Corte ha rigettato anche tale domanda. A questo punto, gli avvocati hanno deciso di abbandonare le difese. Dopo tale dismissione, anche il pubblico ministero ha indicato che un nuovo avvocato avrebbe dovuto essere nominato dal consiglio dell’ordine, a causa della gravità dell’accusa. La corte si è ritirata in camera di consiglio ed è tornata dopo un paio di minuti. Dopodiché ha respinto l’idea che nuovi avvocati dovessero essere nominati ed ha frettolosamente annunciato la colpevolezza di Arslan, condannandolo a 10 anni di carcere, senza alcuna motivazione o riferimento ad alcuna prova di sorta. Dopo la sentenza, tutti in aula hanno reagito ed applaudito la corte in segno di protesta. Alcune persone hanno gridato e detto che questi giudici saranno condannati per quello che hanno fatto. Sevilay (moglie di Arslan) ha gridato e detto: “Mi chiedo come possiate andare a casa e guardare negli occhi i vostri figli; la vergogna su di voi”; è stata coraggiosa, ma ovviamente è rimasta profondamente colpita. Un altro nostro vecchio amico ha gridato: “Ho trascorso 20 anni nei tribunali penali come giudice, ma non ho mai visto un processo come questo, che vergogna!” I giudici non hanno detto nulla, neanche una parola e son rimasti in silenzio.
Il personale della sicurezza ha quindi sgomberato l’aula. Arslan non ha mostrato alcuna reazione, perché sapeva cosa sarebbe successo: non è stata una sorpresa per nessuno.
Diciamo che questa non è la fine, ma solo un inizio.
(firma omessa)
We received yesterday the sad news concerning the sentencing of our dearest colleague, President of YARSAV and 2017 Vaclav Havel Human Rights Price laureate Murat Arslan.
This is the story of the mock trial held by a Turkish Court which sentenced Murat Arslan to ten yrs. Imprisonment.
We thought it was right to spread this news in order to show to the world the outrageous way justice is rendered in a country like Turkey, which is no longer a country ruled by the rule of law principle and unworthy to be part of the international community:
Caros amigos da Turquia livre,
A última sessão de julgamento foi algo digno de ser visto. Primeiro, o nosso Arslan (Arslan significa leão em Turco) fez um discurso muito inspirador e disse que aquilo não era uma defesa, era um discurso que estava a ser passado para a próxima geração para os verdadeiros juristas do futuro, que vão defender o Estado de Direito, não para aquele Tribunal. Ele usou um tom desafiador, como sempre o fez. Ele desprezou o coletivo e disse‑o abertamente. Vou traduzir o discurso todo quando o obtiver do advogado.
O coletivo estava intimidado, totalmente. Apenas permaneceram sentado e ouviram sem reação. Quando o advogado exigiu uma extensão da investigação, o coletivo rejeitou todos os argumentos da defesa nesse sentido e mandou prosseguir.
Devo lembrar que não há um juiz neste coletivo de três juízes que tenha presidido a todas as audiências do início ao fim. Deste modo, nenhum juiz assistiu ao que aconteceu no tribunal do início ao fim. A última sessão foi a segunda em que o atual presidente do coletivo presidiu à audiência. O direito penal Turco determina que todas as sessões audiências devem ser presididas pelos juízes que vão proferir a sentença final.
Após a rejeição de todos os seus argumentos, os advogados decidiram não continuar o seu trabalho, porque era inútil. O Tribunal esteve sempre a ouvi-los, é certo, mas não havia nenhuma intenção de investigar a verdade. Eles não tentaram resolver a questão de provas conflituantes sobre questões técnicas ou sobre depoimentos. Não, não havia nenhuma necessidade de esclarecer fosse o que fosse, foi esta a sua atitude do início ao fim, porque o resultado já estava decidido.
Depois de os advogados de defesa arguirem a suspeição de todo o coletivo por falta de imparcialidade, o coletivo também rejeitou esta arguição. Esta rejeição, de acordo com a lei processual, deve ser apreciada por um tribunal superior, mas o tribunal recusou isso também. Neste momento, os advogados decidiram renunciar ao mandato. Após a renúncia, até o Procurador se pronunciou no sentido de ser nomeado um novo Advogado pela Ordem dos Advogados, devido à gravidade da alegação. O coletivo reuniu-se na sala de deliberações e voltou alguns minutos depois. Em seguida, rejeitou a ideia de que deveriam ser nomeados novos Advogados e apressadamente anunciou que eles consideravam Arslan culpado e condenavam-no a 10 anos de prisão, sem qualquer fundamentação ou a citação de qualquer prova.
Depois do anúncio da decisão, todos no tribunal reagiram e aplaudiram o tribunal como forma de protesto. Algumas pessoas gritavam e diziam que eles seriam responsabilizados pelo que tinham acabado de fazer.
Sevilay (esposa de Arslan) gritou e disse: “Eu pergunto-me como vocês irão para vossas casas e olharão para os olhos dos vossos filhos. Tenham vergonha”. Ela foi corajosa, mas estava profundamente afetada, claro. Um outro velho amigo nosso gritou: “Eu passei 20 anos como juiz em tribunais criminais, mas nunca vi um julgamento como este. Que vergonha!”. Os Juízes não conseguiram dizer nada, apenas ficaram ali em silêncio.
A segurança evacuou rapidamente a sala. Arslan não demostrou nenhuma reação porque sabia o que ia acontecer, não era uma surpresa para ninguém.
Nós afirmamos que isto não é o fim, apenas um começo.
The Turkish newpaper Hurriyet Daily News published the IAJ appeal
International Association of Judges expresses concern for Turkey’s judiciary
The International Association of Judges (IAJ) has published an appeal regarding the situation of the judiciary in Turkey, citing a recent report by the Council of Europe’s Venice Commission that noted Turkey’s proposed constitutional changes were a big setback for democracy. “The IAJ is concerned that the already oppressed judiciary will be turned into a totally depended instrument of power. The Venice Commission confirms the IAJ’s fears,” the appeal said, adding that the association had been following “the deterioration of the situation of the judiciary in Turkey since 2014.” “After the attempted coup, it dismissed judges who had been put on a list long before the coup without giving reasons for the individual case and without proper procedure. In such a way since July 15, 2016, 24.4 percent of all judges (2,538 out of 10,382) and 24.3 percent of all prosecutors (1,121 out of 4,622) were dismissed, the majority of whom are in detention. The example of this destiny threatens those judges and prosecutors who remained in office or were recently appointed without sufficient experience. It is more than doubtful that a judiciary in this situation can be [described] as independent,” the association said. Referring to the Venice Commission report, the IAJ said the commission concluded that the amendments “would place the independence of the judiciary at serious jeopardy” because of the “determining influence of the president on the High Council of Judges and Prosecutors (HSYK), which is the main self-governing body, overseeing the appointment, promotion, transfer, disciplining and dismissal of judges and prosecutors.” “This appeal in no ways is directed against the Turkish people or the Turkish nation, but it is based on the worries of the IAJ that Turkey might lose its own fundamental values that it shared with other democratic societies. Following the Opinion of the Venice Commission and the ‘Open Letter’ of the European Association of Judges published a few days ago, the International Association of Judges considers that such a development would end the rule of law in a country which had a democratic tradition, which its people manifested in the united and brave defense of the terrible attack of July 15,” it said, referring to the July 15, 2016, failed coup attempt.
Please find enclosed the link to the report on the Functioning of democratic institutions in Turkeyadopted on March 8th, 2017, by the Monitoring Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, including a draft resolution to be debated during the April 2017 part-session.
Best regards,
A special bank account for the Provident Fund of the IAJ on Turkey and other emergency situations affecting the Judiciary in Europe has been opened by the Secretariat-General.
Judges and IAJ Judges Member Associations can contribute to the fund by making a transfer of money to the following account:
Bank Unicredit
Agency: Rome (Italy), Palazzo di Giustizia 30092
IBAN code: IT56 O 02008 05101 000104586019
BIC/Swift code: UNCRITM1B52
The choice and selection of the beneficiaries will be up to the EAJ steering committee established in the occasion of the last Central Council meeting in Mexico City.
Please find hereinafter the letter (in English and French) of the Platform to ENCJ as regards Turkey:
Letter (in English): https://www.iaj-uim.org/iuw/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/Letter-ENCJ-ENG-.pdf
Letter (in French): https://www.iaj-uim.org/iuw/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/Letter-ENCJ-FR.pdf
A clear statement about a situation that could not be no longer avoidable. Congratulations ENCJ!
ENCJ suspends the HSYK because this council “is no longer an institution which is independent of the executive”
We publish in our web site a letter sent by the Italian “Scuola Superiore della Magistratura” (the Italian Institute which is in charge of the initial and continuous training of judges and prosecutors) in reply to the request coming from the Judicial Academy of Turkey. It is a good example of the attitude that judges and judicial institutions should keep vis-à-vis the requests coming from Turkey in this period.
The document has been published in our web site, at the following page: https://www.iaj-uim.org/iuw/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Lettera-Pres.-Silvestri-al-Turkish-Judicial-Academy.pdf
Nous publions dans le site une lettre envoyée par la “Scuola Superiore della Magistratura” (l’institut italien qui est en charge de la formation initiale et continue des magistrats) à la demande de coopération présentée par l’Académie de la Justice de Turquie. Il s’agit d’un bon exemple de l’attitude que les juges et les institutions judiciaires devraient montrer vis-à-vis les requêtes provenant de la Turquie en ce moment.
Le document a été publié dans notre site, à la page suivante : https://www.iaj-uim.org/iuw/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Lettera-Pres.-Silvestri-al-Turkish-Judicial-Academy.pdf
EAJ President Christophe Régnard has spread an important message (in English and French) among Member Associations on the subject of a new Turkish “Association of Judicial Unity (YBD),” which is trying to contact some EAJ National Associations. You can read the letter by logging in the private area of our web site and clicking on the link:
President’s and Vice Presidents’ Communications in the Private Area
and then:
EAJ’s President Christophe Régnard message on the new Turkish “Association of Judicial Unity (YBD)”
as shown here:
A Resolution was adopted in Bergen, Norway, on 26. August 2016 by the Presidents of the Associations of Judges of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden concerning the Purge of Turkish Judiciary.
The Resolution will be sent to the Foreign Ministers of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden.
AJ’s Vice President Mr Duro Sessa (Croatia) wrote a letter to the editor as reaction on an interview which Turkish Ambassador gave to largest daily newspaper “Vecernji list” ( Eveninig Post)
please find it here:
The President of the German Judges Association (DRB), Mr. Jens Gnisa, sent two open letters respectively to the German Chancellor, Mrs. Dr. Angela Merkel and the President of the European Commission, Mr. Jean-Claude Juncker , as regards Turkey.
You can find the letters here:
Letter to Mrs Dr Angela Merkel (in German)
Letter to the president of the European Commission, Mr Juncker (in German)
The EAJ’s President Mr Christophe Régnard signed, together with the other members of the Platform for an Independent Judiciary in Turkey, two letters: to the Secretary-General and to the President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.
In the letters, the Platform urged the Council of Europe
The above mentioned letters are available at the following links:
EAJ’s President Mr Christophe Régnard sent a letter on the situation of the judiciary in Turkey to Mr Elmar Brok, President of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the EU Parliament. You can read this document (in French) under this link:
The IAJ Secretariat-General is receiving more and more reactions from the whole world on the situation of the judiciary in Turkey:
Association of European Administrative Judges (AEAJ)
Statement on the situation of judges in Turkey
International Commission of Jurists:
International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI):
IAJ National Associations
Armenia Association of Judges:
Austrian Association of Judges:
Bosnia & Herzegovina Association of Judges:
Brazilian Association of Judges:
Czech Republic:
Denmark and Norway Judges Associations:
Dutch Association for the Judiciary :
French Association of Judges and Prosecutors:
Groupement des magistrats Luxembourgois:
Letter to the Minister of Foreign Affairs
Mongolian Judges Association:
Associations of Judges of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden:
Association of Judges of Poland_IUSTITIA:
Swiss Association of Judges:
Tunisian Association of Judges:
The Italian Association of Judges (Associazione Nazionale Magistrati) is one of the first Associations belonging to IAJ/EAJ to react in a very strong way against the massive dismissals and arrests of Turkish judges and prosecutors.
Here you can read the official declaration from the Italian Association:
Dear colleagues,
As you know, the situation of many Turkish colleagues belonging to YARSAV has become dramatic since the events that occurred in Istanbul and Ankara on Saturday, July 16th.
The IAJ has issued a first declaration of solidarity on Saturday afternoon and a more comprehensive statement on Saturday night.
These documents are available in our web site at the following addresses:
Official general statement:
News referring to it:
First declaration signed by IAJ and EAJ Presidents and Secretary-General:
What we are asking you now is to contact as much as possible news and press agencies in your respective Countries and to issue similar declarations. We’ll contact of course European and international bodies, but we (and especially our Turkish colleagues) need your help. Pls. make use of your connections to state and regional institutions, social entities and bodies, media etc., in order to spread the news of the strong reaction of the international judicial family against this blatant violation of the rule of law in Turkey. Tuesday evening EAJ’s President Régnard will meet the French Minister of Justice.
We kindly ask you to keep us informed about your reactions and initiatives.
Kind regards
Giacomo Oberto
Secretary-General of the IAJ
* * *
Chers collègues,
Comme vous le savez, la situation de beaucoup de collègues membres de YARSAV est devenue dramatique après les événements qui ont eu lieu à Istanbul et Ankara à partir de samedi 16 juillet.
L’UIM a issu une première déclaration de solidarité samedi après-midi et une autre plus ample résolution à été publié la nuit de samedi.
Ces documents sont disponibles dans notre site web aux adresses suivantes :
Résolution Générale :
News se référant à la résolution :
Première déclaration signée par les Présidents de l’ UIM et de l’AEM et par le Secrétaire-Général :
Ce que nous vous demandons maintenant est de contacter un maximum d’agences d’information et de presse dans vos Pays et d’émettre des déclarations pareilles. Nous contacterons bien entendu les autorités européennes et les organisations internationales, mais nous (et surtout nos collègues turcs) nous avons besoin de votre aide. Nous vous prions de bien vouloir utiliser vos liens et réseaux de connaissances avec les institutions publiques, les organisations sociales, les médias, afin de répandre la nouvelle de cette forte réaction de la famille judiciaire mondiale contre cette grave entorse des principes de l’état de droit en Turquie.
Mardi prochain, le Président de l’AEM Régnard rencontrera le Ministre français de la justice.
Nous vous prions de bien vouloir nous tenir au courant de vos initiatives.
Giacomo Oberto
Secrétaire Général de l’UIM
The President of the IAJ Ms. Cristina Crespo, the EAJ President Mr Christophe Régnard and the Secretary-General of the IAJ Mr Giacomo Oberto, on behalf of the whole International Association of Judges, express their solidarity to the Turkish Association of Judges and Prosecutors YARSAV at the moment in which very worring news are coming from Turkey, concerning serious violations of the rule of law in that Country.
According to press news, 2,745 judges have been removed from duty (see http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/turkey-coup-latest-news-erdogan-istanbul-judges-removed-from-duty-failed-government-overthrow-a7140661.html).
We publish here the text of a message from a member of the board of YARSAV, the IAJ President received today:
Dear colleagues,
541 administrative judges and 2200 civil judges and prosecutors suspended from the duty including me. Some say police are coming to detain us me and my wife. Additionally detention orders have been issued 48 members of Council of State and 140 members of Court of Cassation,
In case I am arrested I am writing to inform you
Murat Durmaz
The International Association of Judges points out that administrative authorities of Turkey, member State of the Council of Europe, must respect human rights and the rule of law, as well as the internationally recognized principles on the independence of the judiciary.
Cristina Crespo
Christophe Régnard
Giacomo Oberto