On Monday 4 of March , an on-line meeting took place with the UN Special Rapporteur, Prof. Margaret Satterthwaite.
In attendance:
The President of the IAJ, Mr Duro Sessa; the First Vice President and President of the IBA group, Mr Walter Barone; the IAJ Vice President and President of the ANAO Group, Ms Allyson Duncan; IAJ Vice President Roland Kemple; the Secretary General of the IAJ, Mr Giacomo Oberto, the IAJ Honorary President, Mr José Igreja Matos; the IAJ representatives at UN seats: Ms Johanna Seybert (New York), IAJ Honorary President Mr Gerhard Reissner (Vienna), and Mr Pierre Zappelli (Geneva ).
The aim of this important meeting was to discuss about the petition to propose the UN to name January 11th “International Day of Judicial Independence – 1000 Robes March.”
The IAJ considers this relevant initiative as a symbol of the importance of judicial independence for democratic principles and the rule of law. During the event Prof. Satterthwaite showed her full support and declared her availability to promote our initiative.
Now IAJ member associations should implement all the necessary measures to bring this project at UN level.
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