L’Union Internationale des Magistrats
a été fondée en 1953 à Salzbourg (Autriche). C’est une organisation internationale professionnelle apolitique qui groupe non pas des individus, mais des associations nationales de magistrats, dont l’admission est décidée par son Conseil Central.
Le but principal de l’Union est la sauvegarde de l’indépendance du Pouvoir Judiciaire, condition essentielle de la fonction juridictionnelle et garantie des droits et des libertés de l’homme.
L’U.I.M. comprend aujourd’hui 92 associations ou groupements représentatifs nationaux dans les cinq Continents.
L’Association est organisée en
Quatre Groupes Régionaux:
Quatre Commissions d’Étude:
Dernières nouvelles de l'UIM
Groupes Régionaux
Dernières nouvelles de l'AEM
COST – EU Action
Source: The European Association of Judges Published on 2024-10-02
Joint press release of EAJ, Medel, AEAJ and Judges for Judges on Poland
Source: The European Association of Judges Published on 2024-08-29
EU Rule of Law Report 2024. Independence of the judiciary and the fight against corruption
Source: The European Association of Judges Published on 2024-07-25
Statement on Turkey
Source: The European Association of Judges Published on 2024-07-15
Joint press release of IAJ-EAJ, Medel, AEAJ and Judges for Judges on the court order of the General Court
Source: The European Association of Judges Published on 2024-06-06
Open letter on Bulgaria – reply of Vera Jourova, Vice-President of the European Commission
Source: The European Association of Judges Published on 2024-05-16
Dernières nouvelles de l'IBA
IBA declaration on Argentinian Judges and Prosecutors
Source: The Iberoamerican Group of Judges Published on 2024-10-11
IAJ Presidency Committee statement on Mexico
Source: The Iberoamerican Group of Judges Published on 2024-08-27
Meeting of the IBA Group of the IAJ in Buenos Aires (Argentina)
Source: The Iberoamerican Group of Judges Published on 2024-05-28
IBA Group statements about Spain and Puerto Rico
Source: The Iberoamerican Group of Judges Published on 2023-11-17
Meetings of the IAJ Regional Groups in Taipei, Taiwan
Source: The Iberoamerican Group of Judges Published on 2023-09-18
IBA Group declaration on Colombia, Paraguay and Peru
Source: The Iberoamerican Group of Judges Published on 2023-09-14
Dernières nouvelles de l'AG
IAJ Statement on Sud Africa
Source: News AG EN Published on 2024-09-04
UN: Tunisia – Interference with the judiciary and harassment of lawyers must end
Source: News AG EN Published on 2024-06-03
IAJ Presidency Committee endorsement resolution on Tunisia
Source: News AG EN Published on 2024-05-27
Resolution on Tunisia
Source: News AG EN Published on 2024-05-24
Situation of the judiciary in Tunisia
Source: News AG EN Published on 2024-05-09
Meeting of the African Group of the IAJ in Monrovia (Liberia)
Source: News AG EN Published on 2024-05-07
Dernières nouvelles de l'ANAO
IAJ Statement on Kiribati
Source: The Asian, North American and Oceanian Group of Judges Published on 2024-04-23
Meetings of the IAJ Regional Groups in Taipei, Taiwan
Source: The Asian, North American and Oceanian Group of Judges Published on 2023-09-18
ANAO Meeting in Washington DC (USA)
Source: The Asian, North American and Oceanian Group of Judges Published on 2023-05-22
Statement by the Caribbean Association of Women Judges
Source: The Asian, North American and Oceanian Group of Judges Published on 2023-03-23
ANAO Statement on Sri Lanka
Source: The Asian, North American and Oceanian Group of Judges Published on 2023-03-22
Papers on Diversity in the Federal Judiciary
Source: The Asian, North American and Oceanian Group of Judges Published on 2022-09-29
Le 19 septembre 2023, lors de la 65ème réunion annuelle de l’UIM à Taipei, trois prix de l’Indépendance Judiciaire de l’UIM ont été remis à deux juges de Tunisie et d’Afghanistan et au Conseil National de la Magistrature de Hongrie.
Important Documents
In its meeting in Santiago del Chile, in 2017, the Central Council of the IAJ decided to set up a Working Group charged to draft guidelines and a model statute in order to promote the establishment of associations of judges in countries where there were not.
The Working Group concluded its activities and now you can find the final official version of the document:
The document outlines the legal background and the different steps to establish an association of judges, drafts the structure of a statute and presents, as possible models, some statutes coming from consolidated national associations of different legal systems.
- Nouvelles et Faits par les Associations Nationales
- Enquêtes sur les associations nationales
- COST – EU Action
- Side Event “Enhancing implementation of UPR recommendations through judicial engagement”
- International Forum “High Culture of Jurisdiction” – Perugia (Italy), 20th September, 2024
- International Conference of Judges from Central America and Europe in Berlin, 9-10 September 2024
- International Conference in Baku on “Law & Climate”
- On-line meeting with the UN Special Rapporteur
- “Are Rights of Judges Becoming Rule of Law Standards in Europe?”
- Meeting with the UN Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and Lawyers
- Signature of a Co-operation Agreement between the IAJ and the International Union of Notaries (UINL)
- Annual Conference of the European Forum of the Legal Professions
- Presentation of the Secretary General Oberto on the role of Judges’Associations
- Presentation: The judicial practice of citizen judge system
- Article on Journal of Constitutional History
- United States: Why Public Trust in the Judiciary Matters
- Secretary-General’s “Lectio Magistralis” at the Closure of the 2023 Cycle of Lectures of the World Notariat University, in Rome
- Seminar in Tunis on the Independence of the Judiciary
- The “2018 Brasília Declaration of Judges on Water Justice”
- The Global Judicial Integrity Network’s Webinar – Promoting Active Participation of Women in the Judiciary
- Meeting with the IAJ and the new UN Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and Lawyers
- Global Judicial Intregrity Network
Solidarité avec la Magistrature de :
We gathered in this page all the links referring to I.A.J.’s activities in the fight against corruption:
Representatives of the IAJ serve on the Global Judicial Integrity Network Advisory Board: Advisory Board
Poland: anti-corruption experts report very low level of compliance with recommendations as “globally unsatisfactory”:
In a follow up assessment published on December 17th 2019 on corruption with respect to members of parliament, judges and prosecutors, the Council of Europe’s Group of States against Corruption (GRECO) determines that Poland has implemented seven of 16 recommendations and only one of six recommendations for a more recent “ad-hoc” procedure addressing specific judicial reforms (2016-2018).
Link to the article:
Important achievements in the fight against corruption: article of Mr. Diego García-Sayán:
The Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and Lawyers, Mr. Diego García–Sayán, wrote an article on corruption, published in “El Pais”.
Hereinafter the link to the article:
IV Seminar in the fight against corruption: Santo Domingo: 4-6 December 2019
The IAJ Ibero American group is promoting the IV annual seminar in the rule of law and fight against corruption.
Judicial education is a main priority of IAJ, so each year we organize a seminar like this, to join Latin American judges and discuss among international lectures, how to engage judges worldwide in the fight against corruption.
Dominican Republic invites us to the IV seminar.
Invitation (in Spanish)
Registration form (in Spanish)
Seminar on Corruption: “Corrupcion y Estado de Derecho”- Lima (Peru), 22-24 February 2017:programme
Judicial Anti-Corruption Compact ( document submitted by Mr Rivkin,
IBA)_ English
Judicial Anti-Corruption Compact _Spanish
The International Bar Association Judicial Integrity Initiative ( document submitted by Mr Rivkin,IBA)_English
The International Bar Association Judicial Integrity Initiative_Spanish
Towards a Global Judicial Integrity Network (Oliver Stolpe’s Presentation in Chisinau – 19th May 2017)
Site web: Independence Judges Lawyers
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